Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Writing long blog entries - a thankless task

What do I expect though... I suppose it is like writing a journal, or writing in a diary, except a bunch of people have the key. So I guess I'm mainly doing it for me, but I have to remain guarded in what I say since I have invited others to view this blog. But who's going to actually read it anyway.

I just thought back about this blog and realized I had a huge post that I was adding picutres to for a trip I took to Michigan over a month ago. I got so anal about getting the right pictures and in the right place that I never got it done and it is still in draft. I really need to finish that post and get it out here.

I have a ton of pictures to post too, and maybe that would make it more interesting for others to look at - so we'll see if I can get motiviated.

I have been demotivated recently. I have the thought of a job going away looming over my head and I've been so out of practice looking for work that it hurts my head to concentrate on that task.... and that is an important task.

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